Hotel Casino Internacional
Suscríbete a nuestro
The Hotel Casino Internacional recognizes that the sexual exploitation of children is a global problem and to help combat the problem we are taking the following measures:
1.1.1. We ask our customers, partners, suppliers and all our collaborators to reject participation in the sexual exploitation of minors and to report all cases of sexual exploitation of children of which they are aware.
1.1.2. All our activities and operations actively reject any kind of sexual exploitation of children and support all legal actions to prevent and punish these crimes.
Obvious cases of child sex trade will be reported to the local Police.
The marketing of our services is not carried out using portraits of minors with a sexual meaning.
1.1.3. We create awareness among our employees, using training and information as the best tools to highlight that the sexual exploitation of minors is a crime.
The HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE management policies stipulate that it is not allowed to search for child pornography using the Internet, nor to seek contact with children for sexual purposes through 'chat rooms', discussion groups or similar.
If child pornography material is found on an employee's computer, the Police must be informed. Possession of child pornography is a crime and the material could be used as evidence in a future trial, therefore, it should not be removed under any circumstances.
In the unlikely event that a client-guest or worker reports seeing something that implicates a client or guest of the Hotel Casino Internacional, you should try to get as much information as possible before going to the authorities. The competent authorities are the Police, the hotel management, the embassy or consulate, the tourist authorities or the child protection services.
If the abuse occurs as a result of one of the hotel employees, from this moment we acquire the right, with immediate application, to cancel any agreement or contract; Likewise, breaches of this policy may constitute grounds for dismissal or the end of a business relationship.
This Code is included in the process of Strategic Management of the Hotel Casino Internacional. The group of collaborators of the same is informed about the policy through mandatory training, communications, internal bulletins and information published on the hotel's internal network. Violations of this policy may constitute grounds for dismissal or the end of a business relationship.
Calle 11 No. 2E - 75, Sector Los Caobos, Cúcuta - Colombia +607 582 9898
+ 57 316 024 5741
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